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Claire Caprioli



"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."


Henry David Thoreau



Children's Non-Fiction

Available September 2025!

BURROWS (Learn About Animal Homes) 


You might know that some rabbits live in burrows, but did you know that many other animals such as meerkats and puffins do too? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores how animals build burrows and introduces the different creatures that make them their homes. Get ready to learn all about burrows!

(Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2025)

Available September 2025!

DENS (Learn About Animal Homes)


You might know that some bears live in dens. But did you know that many other animals such as foxes and racoons also live there? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores how dens are built and introduces the amazing animals that make them their home. Get ready to learn all about dens!

(Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2025)

UNEXPECTED SWIMMERS (Learn About: Animals)


Can you believe that sloths can swim? What about elephants? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores five different creatures that, unexpectedly, can swim! Get ready to learn why and how these surprising animals splash around!

 (Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2024)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

UNEXPECTED PLAYERS (Learn About: Animals)


Can you believe that some octopuses like to play? What about sheep? With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores five different creatures that, unexpectedly, love to play! Get ready to learn how these surprising animals have tons of fun!

 (Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2024)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

JUST DISCOVERED FISH (Learn About: Animals)


Have you ever seen a Wakanda fish or a blue snailfish? Now you can! With amazing photos and lively text, this book explores five new species of fish. Get ready to learn all about how, when, and where these animals were discovered!

(Scholastic Children's Press, 1/2024)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble

TASTING (Learn About: The Five Senses)


The sense of taste is one of our five senses. Among other things, it helps us enjoy food and recognize many different flavors, such as sweet, sour, and salty. Our sense of taste encourages us to eat and helps us stay strong and healthy. Learn all about it with this introduction to tasting!

 (Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2023)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble



HEARING (Learn About: The Five Senses)


The sense of hearing is one of our five senses. It helps us carry out a conversation, enjoy music, and listen to the sounds of nature. It also warns us if there is danger around. Learn about how we hear, and common hearing problems and diseases with this introduction to the sense of hearing!

(Scholastic Children's Press, 9/2023)

Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble


A SWARM OF BEES (Learn About: Animals)


What do you call a group of bees? A swarm! Discover why this interesting insect lives in groups, where they live, and what they eat. With amazing photos and lively text, this book takes you inside a beehive, explains what a beekeeper does, and teaches you what you can do to help conserve and protect bees. Get ready to learn all about swarms of bees! 

(Scholastic Children's Press, 3/2023)

Available at AmazonBarnes & Noble






Born in 1867, Maria Sklodowska was a fiercely determined and proud Polish girl. Her resilience and determination in the face of overwhelming odds would lead her to become one of the most celebrated physicists in history. This fascinating story of a real life wonder woman is written for kids in 4th-8th grade. (Blue River Press, 2021)

Author's Experience

All of my jobs have centered on my love of the written word: from my college days of bookselling, tutoring, and a journalism internship, to a professional technical writing and editing career soon after. Since having children, I have stayed home to care for my family and write. My non-fiction children's articles have appeared in FACES and CALLIOPE magazines. For 15 years I regularly wrote maternal and child health articles for a parenting wellness blog. My debut book, ALL ABOUT MARIE CURIE, won the IBPA Benjamin Franklin gold award in the young reader nonfiction category (2022). I have been writing nonfiction books for Scholastic Children's Press since 2022. I'm a member of SCBWI and the Authors Guild.